Don't adapt to the energy in the room. INFLUENCE the energy in the room
~ Taylor James

Empaths Manifesto
"I am not here to fix anyone.
I am ready to honour my sensitive nature
Taking care of my energy is my priority
Saying no is a healthy way to set boundaries
Self-care is my path to attract amazing people
I am a super feeler, therefore I have a big heart
I don't owe anyone an explanation of why I feel this way
My sensitivity is my strength and source of intuition"
"A trained empath or sensitive can transmute negative energy and restore peace in a situation"
~ Jane_lightworker
I remember when I was young hearing words from family and friends "Don't be so sensitive", "your going to have to have a thicker skin to survive the world", "you are a worry wort" etc. The dreams or nightmares that I had about floating or flying where "just dreams" and teachers always putting on my report card that I would constantly "daydream" Early on I learned that having or doing these things was not acceptable by society. To be "different" meant bullying or ridicule from peers and I was labeled as "weird." If you don't have the supports or adults that allow a child to use their imagination in a positive way, we shut down. That part of us that is so unique, magical and inspiring may never see the light of day. But, we don't have to live in the past we can find our own soul family that accepts, supports and understands us unconditionally.
When we walk feel safe in our own world and the world around us, all that magic, all that inspiration, all those sensitivities, all those gifts and abilities become your sparkle...and you become a beautiful Shining Star....a Shining One.
We become all that we were meant to be and more. We learn the practice of protection, boundaries, knowledge and wisdom. Most of all, we learn how to utilize our abilities that can benefit universal energy, people, plants, animals and healing.
The Shining Ones "online" workshop
In this Shining Ones workshop, the intention is to help you to gain better understanding of what and who you are…and why you are here. The Shining ones Workshop is to help you to become more aware why self care is so important. This is a co-creative approach meaning that YOU need to do the work so YOU can strengthen your abilities and co-exist in the world. The teachings and sharing of knowledge will help you navigate and understand how to exist in the world.
Be empowered & confident with your own energy & learn empathic abilities
Learn the tools for self care, center, ground, & protection
Reignite your unique sparkle... let your heart open to what you can do
1. Feel empowered & confident with your own energy and abilities
Empaths or Sensitives can come from so many different descriptions. Discovering who you are is a life journey is a process because we continue to learn and grow. Imagine a life where you are so in tune with your intuition and who you are, that life flows smoother with everything you do and with every challenge that happens. The struggles in your life become less, you no longer feel fear or the need to control the events in your life. Its like we stop trying to swim in deep water with a strong current and instead...we just go with the flow...maybe even float on the water and enjoy the ride. As we do this our purpose and our direction becomes clearer.
Be who you were meant to be, not what you have been told you should be. Take time for stillness and quiet time alone.
2. Empath & Sensitives Types, Characteristics & Traits
Earth Empath
Animal Empath
Universal Empath
Person Empath
Plant Empath
Nature Empath
Dream Empath
Awakening Empath
Actualized Empath
Some talk about an "intuitive empath" but quite frankly all empaths are intuitive. When we trust and are in tune with our intuition we have a clear vision on our path.
Characteristics & Traits
You Experience Other People’s Emotions As if They’re Yours
You’re Highly Sensitive
You Feel Other People’s Physical Pain
You’re Excellent at Detecting Lies, even without hearing words
You’re tend to be an Introvert
You Might Struggle with Intimate Relationships
Seeing something suffer, Tragic Stories or Violent Events, Affect You Tremendously
Energy Vampires Are Attracted to You
Both positive and negative emotions feel strong for you
You Offer Help, sometimes overextending your energy
You take comfort in nature
People tend to tell you their problems
You don’t like conflict
You often feel like you don’t fit in
You have a hard time setting boundaries
You see the world in unique ways
3. Shining Ones Workshop !
The Empath & Sensitives workshop will offer a wide range of knowledge to allow you to make your own discoveries over this amazing 4 weeks. The time in between allows space to take the information in with gentleness. You are not graded or tested on anything here its up to you to do the work so you can begin your journey of discovery. We want you to feel confident and at ease with who you are becoming or be able to add more knowledge to your treasure chest of magic.
Understand how energy works
Intuition our compass to the world around us
Guided Meditations
Clearing, charging, balance, centering & grounding
Our purpose & responsibility
Basics about empaths, sensitives, & mediums
Basics of Clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizant, Clairsentient
Discerning types of energy & spirits
Tools & methods for clearing & protection
Setting boundaries with people & spirits
Shared experiences
Receive you own manual & workbook
1 month free online private support & share group with your peers
2 group hypnojourneys (see website for more details)
All on Sundays from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
12 person limit
This is an ONLINE event so you can access the workshop from the comfort of your own home. Each workshop is 3 hours on Sundays
March 5th & 19th
April 2nd & 16th
Investment $250. for all 4 workshops
Early registration discount $200 by February 10th
Pay as you go
$125 for the first workshop
$45. for the remaining 3 workshops -
Cancellation fees and admin fees apply
Must be paid 24 hours prior to workshop
Invest in yourself and make the world you live in a place where you feel safe, confident and free.
"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty."
~ Maya Angelou
If you have more questions please contact me
Sharon Whitethunder Baldock
Check for more upcoming workshops and events on my website under "Workshops"
March, April, May & June
Mother Wounds Hypnotherapy
Munay Ki Rites, Fire Ceremony & Anyi Despacho
BearFoot Bliss
Dream Cast Journeying